Let’s Come Together and Grow Together

Come TogetherWe are excited about a change in the Sunday morning schedule which begins this Sunday morning. Under the theme, “Come Together, Grow Together,” Sunday School will begin at 9:00 a.m. and the morning worship will begin at 10:15 a.m. This schedule requires all of us to adjust some of our usual routine on Sunday morning, but all of us can experience a new opportunity for fellowship and togetherness.

All change is threatening and is often met with some fear. Change is never easy, but it is amazing how it has the same potential for good as much as negative. Our ministers and leaders are excited about the possibilities of this schedule change. We have become more and more two separate congregations as far as worship. We feel this will enhance our worship experience with more excitement and energy.

In fact, that is called synergy. Synergy is the creation of a whole that is greater than the simple sum of its parts. Interestingly, it comes from a Greek word, the same language in which our New Testament was written, meaning “working together.” That’s why this is our theme, “Come Together, Work Together.”

We are excited about this new schedule because we believe it will be more inviting to our guests. It will become more attractive to those who need or desire more time for the afternoon with family by getting out sooner.

“If there is no challenge, there is no progress.”

I am reminded of two thoughts as we consider the change. One is, “If there is no challenge, there is no progress.” None of us would want to still be driving cars with no air conditioning or do without the Internet. We haven’t changed our message nor our desire to reach Montgomery for Christ. We believe this change allows us to do it better than we have in recent years. Society and people’s schedules have changed. We are seeking to respond to these changes people have made in their own lives.

“If nothing ever changes,
there’d be no butterflies.”

The other thought about change comes from nature. “If nothing ever changes, there’d be no butterflies.” As our people come together more often and experience the blessings of a more healthy worship experience, we expect a sense of joy and renewal of enthusiasm to be the result.

Let’s join together in excitement about some fresh approaches to Sunday morning with our new schedule.

L. Rick Marshall

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